Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Seeds of an Economic Turnaround?

At this time, the American economy is in a downturn with a good bit of the popular press devoted to subjects such as the sub prime mortgage crisis, the low value of the dollar, unemployment, and the credit crunch. Yet, among the stories on reuters.com today:

* Hedge funds sell oil as ratio to gold narrows
* Gasoline prices retreat, could fall more: survey

And so the seeds of the next epoch of the American economy start cracking open beneath the soil.

It would be easy to miss this information. Most of the economic reports and opinions floating about (at any given time) are lagging indicators. They are based on the good or bad news of the last few months or even years. So it turns out that there's a reason why it always seems "darkest before the dawn". When a situation begins to change, we tend not to notice it because we are busy mentally processing the old bad news. The same holds true for good news too, which is why we also say, "Pride goes before a fall."

By the way, I'm not predicting a turnaround. The stories I mentioned above are merely seeds beneath the soil. They could be wiped out by unforeseen events even before they have a chance to sprout. I'm simply pointing out that since nothing ever stands still, it's useful to pay particular attention to what is presently happening if you wish to develop independent opinions about current events. And possibly even profit from them.


rafaela said...

Yay, I am the first!

(usually optimistic, when cynical, I am usually right ;)

Mark Donohue Valor said...

Bravo, Rafaela, welcome to my blog. Ah, so it sounds like you play it safe on both ends of the spectrum? ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi There,
Knew you in high school and we spoke at the last reunion. Drop me a line if you have time!


Mark Donohue Valor said...

Hi Amy,

Glad you looked me up. I was hoping good things would come of mentioning the blog in my profile on our HS class website. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Buddy,

Jeffrey Here.

Its been a very long time. I think that the last time I saw you was at my apartment in Springfield in something like...1990 (!?) Has it been that long? I figured you would likely be in South America or something by now. For myself, I have been a great many places but have ended up back in Toledo.
Drop me a line, man.

Jeffrey Runokivi (sometime Makowski)