Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Market Update - Asian Gaming Stocks On The Rise

Analysts from Barrons to Forbes are asking the question, "Does the current uptrend have any legs?" Last week was marked by impressive gains in the Dow, S&P500, and Nasdaq indexes. Although Friday and yesterday were down days, partly due to uncertainty about the the Obama administration's intervention in the auto industry, the volume wasn't all that impressive. On the other hand, today's activity seems to indicate the market has digested the news and is continuing its recent ascent.

I am as concerned as the professionals about the specter of poor earnings announcements and higher unemployment projections for the second quarter. These dynamics could derail the current uptrend. However my stock investing mentor, William J. O'Neil, hails from a heritage whose only sacred mantra is, "Never argue against the market!". Therefore we say that the market is heading up because, well, it is in fact heading up. We can leave the wherefores and whys to the professional analysts while attempting to benefit from the facts of the matter.

One area of impressive growth of late has been in asian stocks that provide computer gaming/entertainment to that part of the world. This morning, I decided to load up on some shares in this sector, we'll see how that goes.

In case you're wondering how my market adventure into stem cells went, I have two words for you: "not well". But I learned a(nother) valuable lesson from Mr. Market about my own tendency to predict which industry groups will lead the market and when. Today's purchases were not about predicting, they were about following what is already leading. (which, when you boil it down, is the main difference between value investing and growth investing)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Birthing the Books Inside Me

They say, "Competence happens in a moment," and I have observed this to be true for myself and for many of my friends. Have you ever held most of the pieces of a mental puzzle in your mind - yet there was one crucial piece that you couldn't quite put your finger on? Later, through some serendipitous circumstance, (an offhand remark, a book, a song, etc) the missing piece came to you and the entire puzzle was solved. Once a solution like this occurs to you, it seems like an epiphany - a moment of enlightenment that illuminates not only the original puzzle, but also numerous other minor conundrums that had been put aside in the cupboards of the mind for future inquiry.

Over the years of my adult life, I have held many of life's major philosophical questions (Who am I? Why am I here? What is truth? etc) in this state of mental suspension while living out various different lifestyle situations. Because I journal, I have been able to notice the essential things which have resonated within me as common and authentic among my experiences. Within the last twelve months, it has felt as if several "final pieces" to these puzzles have come to me.

As a result, I've got about five books inside me that are mostly written. By that, I mean that it would only take a few weeks of writing to get any one of them in manuscript form, ready for editing. One of them is actually fully written in my mind, but I want to find an artist to collaborate on the project. It is a short, illustrated, guided mental journey in book form that would also include a CD with the text of the book spoken in several languages.

There will be many details to work out over the next months, such as: who will be my publisher, what channels of distribution will I use (Traditional? My own web site? Amazon Kindle? etc) how will I promote my work? etc. But none of these concerns feels daunting, they are all just parts of the adventure of giving birth to my spiritual "children" - perspectives on life that particularly turn me "on" and that I believe in my heart will delight and benefit others. I'll keep you informed on my progress here, watch for it!