Friday, October 17, 2008

Back Into The Fray

Earlier this week, I concluded the self-evaluation begun during my wilderness getaway. After taking everything into account, I decided to pursue returning to full-time work as a software engineer. I love the work and it pays well. There is still surprisingly strong demand in the market for my skills and it never hurts to make hay while the sun shines. (as my farmer relations used to say)

My other major option, raising capital and starting a small business, is still an important goal for me. A good portion of my getaway was invested in creating a specific business plan, including estimating startup costs, on-going cashflow, expansion plans, etc for the venture I had in mind. This was a valuable exercise and the plan I created may, one day, be the plan I pursue.

During my previous years of employment, I did a good job saving money in retirement plans and I feel like that part of my financial picture is in good shape. So beginning with my next job, I intend to divert my savings into a taxable investment account that will be dedicated toward helping to fund future business ventures and investment real estate purchases. I hear it works best to have a good chunk of your own money on the line when you present an opportunity to invest to others.

This decision (returning to employment) will likely mean another geographic relocation for me. If that turns out to be true, it will also likely mark the end of a short but incredible romance. Yet I feel the magnetic pull of my capacity for greatness in this world, and it is not a force that my spirit is inclined to resist. When you're in on the secret that love is not scarce, it is abundant - well, it doesn't make things easy, but it does make them possible.

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