Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Well That Was A Short Nap

The stock market has come roaring back in the last couple of trading sessions from a mild downturn that only lasted about a month. Now, one or two up days does not a trend make. However, the volume of trade and the percent increase in the general indexes makes it pretty clear (to me, at least) that this is the beginning of something interesting.

I've re-entered the market with positions in travel, retail, rental car, and (I can't get over them) Chinese online gaming stocks. If you have been sitting on the sidelines with your retirement funds, I'd definitely encourage you to speak with a personal finance professional about re-entering the market at this time.

No-load index mutual funds for the S&P 500 and NASDAQ might be relatively stress-free candidates if you agree with me and wish to participate in the market's apparent upturn.

Disclaimer: I am not a personal finance professional and this information does not constitute an offer to sell investment products. These opinions are my own. You are responsible for your own decisions - Hell, I have trouble keeping my own shoelaces tied!

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